
crouching 21世纪最佳影片:华语片《花样年华》《卧虎藏龙》榜上有名

导语:原标题:外媒评出21世纪最佳影片,猜哪三部华语片榜上有名?其中一部华语电影排名前五!近日,英国《卫报》评选出21世纪最佳影片100部,不知道哪些是你喜欢的呢?▲截屏via 《卫报》上榜的前三是:There Will Be




▲截屏via 《卫报》


There Will Be Blood 《血色将至》

12 Years a Slave 《为奴12年》

Boyhood 《少年时代》





In the Mood for Love 《花样年华》



A One and a Two 《一一》


Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 《卧虎藏龙》



Has there ever been a more beautiful couple in the history of cinema than Tony Leung and Maggie Cheung in Wong Kar-Wai’s smouldering love story In the Mood for Love?


It’s gorgeously detailed, drenched in sensuality – a scene in which the two squeeze past each other in a narrow alleyway by night has a humid sexiness.


▲ The Guardian - The 100 best films of the 21st century


Western audiences unfamiliar with the wuxia martial arts genre had never seen anything like Ang Lee’s dazzling 18th-century-set epic in 2000 – fighters flying through the air with balletic grace.


In the most exhilarating scene, the daughter of a regional governor goes sword-to-sword with a famous warrior in the branches of bamboo trees swaying high above the ground.


▲ The Guardian - The 100 best films of the 21st century


Gladiator 《角斗士》


《 泰迪熊》

Spirited Away 《千与千寻》

Under the Skin



1 There Will Be Blood

2 12 Years a Slave

3 Boyhood

4 Under the Skin

5 In the Mood for Love

6 Hidden

7 Synecdoche, New York

8 Moonlight

9 Zama

10 Team America: World Police

11 Mulholland Drive

12 Son of Saul

13 Far From Heaven

14 White Material

15 Shoplifters

16 The Act of Killing

17 The Great Beauty

18 A Serious Man

19 Lincoln

20 Roma

21 The White Ribbon

22 Spirited Away

23 Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

24 Ida

25 Get Out

26 A One and a Two

27 The Grand Budapest Hotel

28 The Tree of Life

29 Nebraska

30 Leviathan

31 Anomalisa

32 Gravity

33 The Royal Tenenbaums

34 The Child

35 45 Years

36 A Separation

37 Dogville

38 Once Upon a Time in Anatolia

39 Meek’s Cutoff

40 Unrelated

41 The Handmaiden

42 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days

43 The Wolf of Wall Street

44 Toni Erdmann

45 13th

46 Volver

47 Margaret

48 The House of Mirth

49 24 Hour Party People

50 Before Sunset

51 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

52 Amores Perros

53 Fire at Sea

54 The Social Network

55 Russian Ark

56 Behind the Candelabra

57 Leave No Trace

58 Wuthering Heights

59 Gangs of Wasseypur

60 Ted

61 The Souvenir

62 Waiting for Happiness

63 We Need to Talk about Kevin

64 The Incredibles

65 Happy as Lazzaro

66 Brokeback Mountain

67 Dogtooth

68 Mr Turner

69 Paddington 2

70 Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy

71 Capernaum

72 Waltz With Bashir

73 Love & Friendship

74 A Prophet

75 Philomena

76 Ten

77 Lost in Translation

78 Ocean’s Eleven

79 Persepolis

80 Requiem for a Dream

81 Fish Tank

82 Stories We Tell

83 The Son’s Room

84 Tropical Malady

85 Burning

86 No Country for Old Men

87 The Wind that Shakes the Barley

88 Gomorrah

89 The Selfish Giant

90 Eden

91 Etre et Avoir

92 The Hurt Locker

93 You, the Living

94 Gladiator

95 Call Me By Your Name

96 Private Life

97 Fahrenheit 9/11

98 The Dark Knight

99 Bright Star

100 Once Upon a Time in Hollywood


资料/截图:The Guardian

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