
What are the evidences of prehistoric civilizations?

导语:Prehistoric civilizations left behind various pieces of evidence that help us understand their way of life. Archaeological discoveries, written records, oral traditions, and environmental clues are some of the sources of evidence. Stone tools, cave paintings, ancient ruins, cuneiform writing, and indigenous stories are all examples of evidence that have been found. By studying these pieces of evidence, we can gain insights into the history of human civilization and the remarkable achievements of our ancestors.

What Are the Evidences of Prehistoric Civilizations?

As a historian, I have been fascinated by the question ofprehistoric civilizationsfor years. It is a topic that has captured the imagination of people for centuries, and yet the evidence for such civilizations is often elusive. In this article, I will explore some of the most compelling pieces of evidence for prehistoric civilizations and what they can tell us about the past.

Archaeological Discoveries

One of the most important sources of evidence for prehistoric civilizations is archaeology. Through excavations of ancient sites, archaeologists can uncover artifacts and structures that give us clues about how people lived in the past. For example, the discovery of stone tools and cave paintings in France suggest that humans were living there as early as 40,000 years ago. Similarly, the ruins of ancient civilizations like the Maya, Inca, and Aztec in South America show us the impressive engineering and architectural feats of these societies.

Written Records

Another important source of evidence for prehistoric civilizations iswritten records. Although writing did not exist in many prehistoric societies, some civilizations did develop writing systems that have survived to this day. For example, the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia developed cuneiform writing around 3500 BCE, which allowed them to record important information like laws, trade deals, and religious rituals. Similarly, the Egyptian hieroglyphics and the Chinese script are evidence that these civilizations had sophisticated writing systems that allowed them to document their history and culture.

Oral Traditions

In some cases, evidence of prehistoric civilizations can be found inoral traditions. Many indigenous cultures around the world have passed down stories and legends that describe their ancestors and their way of life. For example, the Dreamtime stories of the Aboriginal people of Australia describe the creation of the world and the origin of their culture. Similarly, the Navajo people of North America have a rich oral tradition that includes stories of their ancestors and their relationship with the land.

Environmental Clues

Finally, evidence of prehistoric civilizations can be found in the environment itself. For example, the remains of ancient forests and the presence of fossils can tell us about the climate and ecology of the past. Similarly, geological formations like rock layers and volcanic ash can help us date archaeological sites and reconstruct the history of the earth.


In conclusion, the evidence for prehistoric civilizations is diverse and often difficult to find. However, through a combination ofarchaeological discoveries, written records, oral traditions, andenvironmental clues, we can begin to piece together a picture of the past. By studying these pieces of evidence, we can gain a deeper understanding of the history of human civilization and the remarkable achievements of our ancestors.

